Graphene additive for dry lubricants used in the wind industry.
Status: Development – Early Stage
Abstract: Improve lubricant and tribological properties of oils generally used in the industry to reduce friction and wear effects.

BIM Methodology for Offshore Wind Asset Optimization.
Status: Development – Early Stage
Abstract: Design BIM models for a smart control of offshore wind energy plants during development, construction and operation stages.

Geospatial assessment of the public buildings rooftop solar photovoltaic potential in Saragosse, Spain.
Status: Development – Early Stage
Abstract: Design a digital platform to assess the solar photovoltaic potential in public building rooftops to promote the development of solar energy communities.

Micro-grid design for urban self-consuming network
Status: Development – Early Stage
Abstract: Promote a smart energy community in Saragosse that aggregates and coordinates distributed energy services, users and providers at neighborhood level, facilitating the full and direct involvement of citizens in the configuration and operation of the energy system.